Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pregnancy Journal

It's amazing to see how time goes by so fast. Within just a month, our baby will soon come to this world and I'm pretty sure from that moment on, my life would change completely. That's why I was thinking to keep writing about my pregnancy journey as it would be such a lovely memory for me and perhaps for my son to read when he's older.

I've wrote about the rough first trimester in my last post about pregnancy and now I am about to share the second trimester up to my current term, which is 34 weeks of pregnancy. Most of my second trimester was spent in Copenhagen. Perhaps it is the clearer air or healthier food I was eating that makes me feel healthier compared to while I was back home. The major difference occurred compared to the first trimester is that my appetite for eating is getting bigger and bigger each day and I started to gain more weight, however I still couldn't notice a bump in my belly until the last period of second trimester.

I started wearing pregnancy clothes as they were more comfortable, especially for my stomach. There were some discomfort when you changed physically, especially when the bump started to appear. The body changing also affects your activities, since you urinate often and you can't walk too fast without having a tense in the stomach. Somehow it limits your activities because you need to keep yourself away from carrying too heavy stuffs, from heavy exercises, etc. However for me, by having the baby bump makes me more aware about the existence of the baby inside me and just thinking of it could really makes me smile. I started to feel more connected to the baby.

I was doing baby stuff shopping in my early second trimester, since I planned to bring the baby stuff from Indonesia as they are much cheaper. Normally, there are superstitious belief that you couldn't do baby shopping until your pregnancy reached 7 months, however I don't believe in such things. The baby shopping is not as fun as I thought, though. Apparently there are so much things to buy and it stressed me out since I have no idea what I really need and the shopkeeper was so pushy offering all kinds of baby stuff. I regret for not having an adequate research first before going to the shop. Therefore I recommend for all mother to be, to make a checklist of required items for newborn before going shopping. I would update later on in my blog about the baby stuffs that are necessary to buy before the baby delivered and what stuffs that can be bought later on.

I read that in the second trimester, the baby is able to hear sounds and reacts to sounds, so I was listening to classical musics and even sing for the baby. My husband and I chose one lovely song that we sang it often to the baby because I was told that if later on the baby was cranky, he would calm down if he hears something he's familiar with while he is in the tomb. We also starts talking to the baby everyday so he is familiar with the voice of his parents. I think that is a very good way to start bonding with your little ones.

Entering the third semester, my belly started growing bigger than ever, even my new friends whom I've just met about a month ago could tell that my belly is getting so much bigger than when we first met. Carrying this baby along is tiring sometimes, I found myself easily getting sleepy during the day and I need to take a quick nap to recharge energy. Getting sleep at night is also kinda difficult because the baby starts kicking and moving a lot when I am about to sleep, so I need to change position and go to the toilet often. Fortunately, I have the time to take a nap during the day, so it's not really a problem for me.

Ow, and we also have decided a name for the baby, as you could see in this picture:

Indispensable Lady

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