Friday, June 15, 2012

Celebration Dinner Date

Unpredictable things can always happen in life and what you have at the moment can be taken away in an instance. This past few days, we've been waiting for the news about my husband's job certainty since the company has major changes in the organization structure. Luckily, we received good news today, so to celebrate it, I was making pork satay for dinner and bake a chocolate cake for dessert :)

My husband always says that I have the beginner's luck in cooking, because almost every food I made for the first trial are always a huge success, even better than the second and the next trial. Apparently his word is sort of true :-D The pork satay tasted super! It's tasty, tender and juicy. I got the recipe from this blog but I've made some modification to the measurement since I only made for 2 people. Here's the recipe:

Pork Satay (approximately 10 skewers)

3 slices of pork steak meat, that contains fat (about 300 gr)
1 piece of candle nut (kemiri)
1/2 tablespoon of corriander, heated in a pan
1 cm of galangal, grated
4 shallot
2 garlic cloves
2 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of tamarind water
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
4 teaspoons of sweet soya sauce
white pepper, as needed.


  1. Clean the pork meat in running water, cut into cubes
  2. Mash all the other spices, except lemon juice, tamarind water and sweet soya sauce in a mortar.
  3. Put the spices in a bowl, add the lemon juice, tamarind water and sweet soya sauce and mix them well.
  4. Add the meat into the bowl, mix them well and leave it for at least 1 hour. Cover the bowl with its lid.
  5. After one hour, put the meat into the skewers and grill them in the pan until cooked.
What I love about this recipe is it combines the sour and sweet taste perfectly and it also smells delicious :) Here's the result of my pork satay:

And this is our dessert for the day, chocolate cake with melted chocolate and raspberries on top :)

Indispensable Lady

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