Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Concert in a Park

One good thing of living in Copenhagen, you'll easily find various kind of entertainment to be enjoyed for free, without worrying that there would be too many crowds in the events. While in Jakarta, when there is free entertainment or big discounts of something, it can be assured that the event would end up in a chaos.

Last weekend, we went to Michael Learns to Rock concert with some friends. This is a pop boy band from Denmark which was quite famous in Indonesia back then. They are currently launching a new album, so they held a free concert in several places in Denmark. Apart that they are quite famous in Asia, not so many Danish people like this boy band, that perhaps explain why there are not too much crowd in the event. I am not a big fan of them either, but I must admit that they have some good catchy songs.

The concert was held in a small park in Ishøj and we were arrived in time so that we managed to find a good spot. Ow and what I like is that people here are enjoying a concert while sitting on the grass. They didn't stand up or dance like the American's way, i think they tend to be less aggressive :-D For me it is an advantage, since I'm having a big belly now, so it was nice to be able to enjoy the concert sitting. So, here are some pictures from the concert. Enjoy!

Indispensable Lady

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