Saturday, February 2, 2013

Baby It's Cold Outside

As this is my first winter in Copenhagen, I was quite worried whether we will survive the winter or not. Fortunately, we're lucky enough that we were in Indonesia when there was a real bad snow storm and the weather reached minus 15 degrees. Since we were back to Copenhagen on mid December, the weather is pretty good though, even though there were some days where it's snowy and pretty cold outside.

Apart from the freezing nose, I am surprisingly in love with Copenhagen winter. I found the whitey ground, dried trees and cloudy sky are strangely beautiful. Yet, it's still better to watch the view from much warmer place, though :-D Luckily, our apartment has super wide window so even we could enjoy snowfall with a smiling face.

We managed to take some pictures the other day before the snow is gone. Here are the pictures..

The location is behind our apartment in Ørestads, which is kind of my sanctuary place whenever I need some fresh air and recharge my sanity :-D

Beautiful isn't it? So who's interested in visiting Copenhagen the next winter? I will be pleased to be your tour guide :)

Indispensable Lady

Monday, January 21, 2013


Everything has a purpose, clocks tell you the time, trains takes you to places. 
I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. 
Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. 
They always come with the exact amount they need. 
So I figured if the entire world was one big machine... I couldn't be an extra part. 
I had to be here for some reason. 
And that means you have to be here for some reason, too.
-Hugo Cabret-

As much as I enjoy being a mother, somewhere along the way during the past 5 months I lost myself somehow. Just recently it hit me that I don't even know what completes me as a individual. Perhaps I let myself drown too deep into the role of a mother and suddenly my whole life revolves around parenting stuff, even in my spare time.

Therefore I am in a new mission of finding back my purpose of living. Starting by managing time more carefully so that my day won't be stuck with only taking care of Raphael, cleaning the house nor reading the social media. I just realized that even though I am a planner junkie, my life recently goes without any, which somehow makes me feel like I am wasting time by doing nothing as suddenly the months goes by.

Scheduling day to day activities is my priority at the moment, which I've never had before since I became full time housewife. What I have in mind is scheduling days for doing the laundry, cleaning the house and cooking day, in which I would cook more so I could store the food for days when I don't feel like cooking or when Raphael is having a bad day. By doing so, hopefully I would have more of my 'me' time, then afterwards I would start focusing in figuring out what I really want to achieve in life.

Some advice, readers?

Indispensable Lady