Monday, June 18, 2012

Indonesian Culinary Richness

One thing that I miss the most from Indonesia is the food. Even though I can cook now, but I rarely made an authentic Indonesian food, since it requires lots of spices, which mostly I haven't found in here. That's why it's such a relieve when we went to the Indonesian bazaar held by the Indonesian Embassy in Copenhagen last weekend.

We ate Nasi Padang with the delicious Rendang and cabe ijo and we even bought the Rendang for takeaway. There are lots of traditional Indonesian foods sold in the bazaar, such as siomay, batagor, nasi uduk, rujak, martabak, etc. For me, it's like a culinary heaven after not being able to eat such foods for quite a while.

I'm amazed with this people who are able to make such authentic foods in a foreign country, since the ingredients are harder to be found and most of Indonesian sweet foods are also harder to make. Yesterday I was trying to make a Martabak Manis, it's an Indonesian version of pancake. I was pretty sure I followed the recipe and instruction correctly, however it turned out as a disaster, the mixture won't expand, it turned out more like American pancake, that I have to throw the dough away, after all. Based on discussion with my Indonesian friends who also live here, we agreed that there are high tendency to fail in making Indonesian dessert.

Next week, I will have a party with my friends from the Danish lesson and we decided that each person should bring a traditional food from our own country, since we come from various different countries, it would be exciting to taste other country's authentic foods. I haven't decided what I'm going to make but there are some options that I have in mind, such as tempe penyet, mendoan, tahu gejrot, siomay or something for dessert such as cendol, rujak or es kacang merah. What I have tried to make is only tempe penyet, however I am considering that we should eat the food with rice, otherwise it would taste weird, right?

Well, since I haven't decided yet, perhaps you could recommend which food is representing Indonesia's culinary best and even better if it is proved to be failure-free recipe :-D

Indispensable Lady


  1. Bikin mie jawa aja yana.. bumbunya simple, cukup spicy & tasty, dan bisa digado tanpa nasi dengan tetap mengenyangkan! :D -dyah,bara's mom

    1. Hoo..good idea, dyah! Minta resep yang paling manjurnya donk, hehe..been struggling cooking with noodles in here, ga pernah seenak mie di indo rasanya :-(

    2. kalau mie jawa bumbu ulek: bwg putih, bwg merah, kemiri, merica, garam. bwg putinhnya lbh banyak dr bwg merah ya, 2:1, kemirinya sedikit aja, paling 2 atau 2.5 butir utk 4- 5 bwh putih kira2. kalau mau agak pedas, bisa ditambahin cabe bubuk juga.
      mie nya sih kita biasa pake aegnuddler yg dijual di toko china town di asien market, bentuknya kotak gt kyk mie atom bulan, 1 bungkus 9 dkk. lumayan enak mie yg ini.
      utk toppingnya terserah selera aja, biasanya sih wortel, sawi, udang, ayam, atau telor orek.
      bikinnya sm kyk bikin mie2 goreng lainnya, bumbu ditumis smp harum, masukin toping, abis itu ksh air sdkt spy sayurnya mateng.tutup wajannya sbntr. abis itu masukin mie, terakhir tambahin kecap manis, kecap asin sesuai selera. gampang toh. selamat mencoba :)


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