Sunday, May 20, 2012

Utilize the Leftover

When you cook rice only for two people, sometimes there is some left and you are too full to finish them up. I used to make them into fried rice for breakfast, but it might be boring eating fried rice too often. Then I found this recipe from Martha Stewart's website, which utilize the leftover rice to make a delicious hot rice breakfast drink.

The first time I read about it, I thought it sound disgusting, how come you're making a drink from leftover rice. And that's also what my husband and others think when I told them about this recipe :-D However, we'll never know until we give it a go, right? So this morning, I tested the recipe and it actually tasted pretty good and the good thing is you would get a full stomach only by drinking one glass of it. Ask my husband if you don't believe me :-D 

Here is the result of the hot rice breakfast drink:

Wondering about the recipe? Let me share it here.

Hot Rice Breakfast Drink (2 cups)

Leftover rice (portion of 1 person)
Honey / Sugar

  1. Put the leftover rice into a saucepan
  2. Add milk until the rice is soaked.
  3. Add honey / sugar, according to your taste. I used 4 tablespoon of sugar.
  4. Add cinnamon
  5. Stir the mixture until boiling. Keep stirring regularly before the mixture is boiled to avoid the milk from caramelized.
  6. Just when it started to boil. Turn off the heat and pour the mixture into a blender.
  7. Blend the mixture until smooth.
  8. Pour into a cup and you could sprinkle the top with more cinnamon.
Enjoy your delicious breakfast drink :)

Indispensable Lady 


  1. Itu disebutnya Milchreis kalo di Jerman yan. hehehe. emang enak kan? wah kalo lagi di kantin, gue tambahin cinnamon n sugar sebanyak2nya.hehehe

    1. Hooo..memang common toh di Jerman? Iyaa enak dan gampang bikinnya..haha sweets junkie juga ya Cing? Toss! :-p


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