Sunday, April 29, 2012

Menu Planning

The never ending question is "What's for Dinner?" I've never realized how confusing it is to determine menu for everyday meals, especially when you have to cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the whole week. Having someone else cooked for me back at home, I have never had to think about what I am going to eat. And yet, I am quite cranky if I have to eat the same dish over and over again.

So here I am, living on my own now and have to think what do I have to cook and groceries I have to buy at the beginning of the week for supplies. I noticed that without planning first, I often ran out of supplies hence limiting my cooking option. Moreover, it is frustrating not knowing what to cook while your stomach already growling, asking to be fed.

I used to jot down a weekly menu plan on a paper, but I realized, sometimes I forgot where to put the paper and then I didn't stick to the schedule. Yet, after a week passed by, the notes turned into rubbish. Today I'm making the note with Adobe Photoshop to make it prettier and I put it down in my desktop so I could easily read it when needed. In order to make the shopping easier, I have jotted down the supplies I will need to buy for the week. So, basically it is an integrated menu planning and shopping list. Pretty efficient, right?

Let me share with you the menu planner I created. Hopefully it will give you inspirations to create a similar one :)

Ow, and don't forget to check this blog:
She's done an amazing job by creating this magnetic menu planning. Totally inspiring!

Indispensable Lady

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