Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Maternity Photoshoot

Last weekend, my husband and I did our own maternity photo shoot. I had looked for several inspirations for the photo shoot on the web and I decided to make some properties so the photo shoot could be more exciting and unique. We decided to do the photo shoot in our apartment, that way I would feel more comfortable and confidence and it was so much easier to change clothes and prepare the properties if we did it in our own home.

After several hours trying to create good maternity photos, finally here are the results:

Special Gift from God
Welcoming Baby Rafa
Big Belly vs Tiny Shoes! :)
The Props!
Soon to Be Mommy
Kiss for My Little Boy
Playing with Origami Ribbon

Please do tell me what you think by posting on the comment box, I'm excited to know your comments about those photos :)

Indispensable Lady

PS: All photos above are taken by hubby and the concept is by me, yes we're a good combo :-p


  1. Those pictures are surely nice! Love it!
    Btw nama baby lo sama kaya nama babtis ponakan gw yan

  2. Yana, you are looking so cute. These pictures are lovely. I like the ones with the shoes and your side profile shots the best.

    1. Thanks Sarita, I used your gift as one of the props, if you noticed :-D

  3. Yana, rambutnya bagus? Nyalon dulu ya? hehe *pertanyaan iseng*
    Kamu naik berapa kg? Terlihat bulat.. *pdhl gw juga membulat*


    1. Nyatok sendiri donk, Sari...disini mana kuat kantongnya kalo sering2 nyalon :-p
      Aku naik 12 kilo (menurut timbangan di dokter 2 minggu lalu, entah yah sekarang)
      Hihi iyaa bulat sekali ini perut dan pipi mulai terlihat chubby :-D

  4. Yanaa..itu fotonya di apartemen sendiri yaaa? Kayak di studio hihiihhi....



Any thoughts? Feel free to share them here..